Thursday, December 2, 2010

Dining room Christmas vignette

Dining room vignette

I’m late to the party! Ack! We’ve been busy with a choo choo tree, hubby’s birthday and my impromptu decision to finally paint the office. I am crayyyzay!

Anyway, I finished up our dining room vignette today, and I’m so excited to link up to Rhoda’s Holiday Home linky party!:


You may remember last summer when I removed the top of our dining room hutch:

It had bugged me for YEARS, and I was so excited to find a perfectly lovely buffet hiding underneath:


LOVE when that happens. :)

I was so giddy at the thought of having another space to decorate! That is what it’s all about folks.

I ran into Walmart the other night to get a bag of cat food, which was mistake number one – you never, ever, EVER “run into” Walmart for anything. Mistake number two was making a quick swing by the Christmas stuff. Have you seen their ornaments this year?:

Maybe I’m behind – I hear they had them last year? Oh my goodness, they are so pretty! There is an amazing selection! And they’re only a buck each!

It’s a dangerous, dangerous aisle. I’m warning you. When I saw these, I didn’t want to use them on the tree -- I had a different idea in mind. ;) I knew they’d be perfect for our dining room vignette.

I grabbed all of the glass pieces I could find from our basement and around the house – cloches, apothecary jars, whatever. I added some faux snow I’ve used for years, and nestled some of the ornaments in:

itty bitty trees

Those trees are one of my favorites!

The silver stars are large and intricate:

Love the little church too. I held back from buying one in every. single. color:

I couldn’t pass up the presents:

And the reindeer was a keeper for sure:

It was SO HARD to not spend $50 on $1 ornaments. Seriously – they are too cute!

I held it together, and then I saw these in the next aisle:

And I broke down again. They were a perfect combo of that chocolate brown and beautiful green! They were only $2 each, and I only grabbed a couple. I wanted to grab 45. Or so.

I use mostly red and gold to decorate for the holidays around our house, but I was so taken with that green color for our chocolate dining room! I saw some $2 beads at Target in the exact same color and added them to my Goodwill wine decanter:

Years ago I spray painted some simple twiggy cone trees from Hob Lob and I added a couple to the buffet for some height:

I grabbed a package of $5 green ornaments from Walmart and mixed them with some of the sparkly chocolate ones:

And I big fat LOVE how it turned out!:

Of course, I added some sprigs of greenery here and there, just to give it more fullness. I don’t think it’s physically possible for me to do anything Christmas decor-related without greenery. :)

It’s a combo of green, brown, silver and a little gold, and I LOVE IT:

I was going to just put everything out here and there, but the hives started, and my need for symmetry won out. :) I made it kind of even, but since everything’s not exactly the same, it’s not too matchy-matchy:

Ignore my after-8 p.m.-hair in the reflection. :)

I’ve been using the same spray painted pine cones and jingle bells in this space for six years, so I was so excited to do something a little different:

And all of the little stuff under the glass was well under $20. Not too shabby for a whole new look!

Don’t you just LOVE that green color with the chocolate? Walmart also has the ornaments in a beautiful blue color that would look fantastic with brown as well!

I am getting there with the Christmas decor…I have some fun plans with the Silhouette and I’ll show you that next week! :)

**Linking this to Julia’s holiday party!

Thank you to my sponsor!:
