Sunday, April 4, 2010

DIY Ceiling Medallion

Happy Easter everyone! I hope you're enjoying your holiday :) We're just relaxing around here so I figured I would share with you one of my recent projects that is oh so easy to do and will totally make an impact in your room (at least I think so).

I am in love with ceiling medallions. I think they are so beautiful, but a little traditional. My house isn't quite what you would call 'traditional' but there are a few traditional items in it, so a normal (beautiful) medallion just wouldn't look quite right:

So, here is my version: 
DIY Ceiling Medallion
I just got to work with my Cricut (which I also loooove). I cut out multiple designs in smaller sizes and played around with how they looked and their configurations until I found the one that I absolutely loved.

Next I cut it out as large as I can on some scrap paper and placed it on the ceiling to get an idea for how it  would look:
DIY Ceiling Medallion
And of course, I decided it would look awesome. So I got to work:

I used the Cricut again to cut out the same design on some black vinyl, used the transfer paper to help (this is totally necessary, or else the design sticks to itself and almost everything else and gets rather annoying):

DIY Ceiling Medallion
I just removed one paper design and put the vinyl in its place and rubbed it onto the ceiling.

DIY Ceiling Medallion
One down ~ two to go.

And done:

DIY Ceiling Medallion

So, here it is before, plain and boring:

DIY Ceiling Medallion
And after:

DIY Ceiling Medallion

FYI: this will totally work out your arms and shoulders, it took me about an hour to do, half of it with my arms above my head rubbing and pressing ~ so its a good two for one :) You get a beautiful ceiling medallion and a workout!

Obviously this can be accomplished by also using a stencil, but that just means your arms will be above your head for that much longer....This was my quick solution ~and not that I want to remove it any time soon, but just in case I need to, I can just peel it off.
DIY Ceiling Medallion
Now....on to the other rooms of my house....Next~the dining room chandelier.

